First Ladies’ Biggest Mistakes: 6 Missteps That Shocked America!

Let’s discuss the first ladies’ biggest mistakes!

Being in the public eye is never easy, regardless of how used to the cameras, media, and gossip you are. And for our beautiful first ladies, things haven’t always been flourishing. Their public roles are highly visible, and people are always expecting them to be on their best behavior: they have to serve citizens’ interests, support their husbands’ projects, come up with projects of their own, serve their duties as wives, always be classy, elegant, and polite, and the list can go on.

But at the end of the day, they’re still humans, and they’re prone to making mistakes. Whether it’s public statements, judgment, behavior, or fashion choices, everything first ladies do generates immediate attention. While we appreciate their incredible roles and support for the country, we wanted to take a few moments to discuss the most controversial things they’ve done (with or without intention). So, without further ado, here are some of the biggest mistakes first ladies have ever made:

cheating, first lady
Photo by Anthony Correia from

1. Hillary Clinton

Ms. Clinton made a few controversial remarks during Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign, but her two biggest mistakes haunted her for decades. During an interview on “60 Minutes,”  the beautiful Hillary tried her best to defend her partner against infidelity claims. When asked by a reporter why she still supports Bill, she was quick to say that she doesn’t sit here “some little woman” standing by her “man like Tammy Wynette.” The country was left speechless, especially the singer and the country music fans.

Tammy Wynette was a talented country singer who had a song called “Stand By Your Man,” which quickly became a symbol of loyalty in marriage. Many people saw Ms. Clinton’s comment as an arrogant jab at traditional gender roles and homemakers. The singer herself was offended and publically criticized the politician’s wife for her statement. Hillary lately apologized, saying that she didn’t mean to upset everyone. She added that she only wanted to express her sense of independence.

But that was not all. Another mistake Hillary made was during the same presidential campaign when she added that she could’ve “stayed home and baked cookies and had teas,”  but she chose to come and support her partner. Even though she made the statement as a way to defend her career as a lawyer, her message offended many people, especially women, who felt like they were criticized for being housewives.

Later on, Hillary mentioned that all the work she’d done as a professional had the goal of assuring that every woman in the country could make her choice, whether it was working full-time, being a housewife, or choosing a combination of the two.

…What are your thoughts on these two Hillary’s biggest mistakes? Let’s chat in the comments below!

2. Barbara Bush

Even though she was no longer a first lady at the time, during her son George W. Bush’s presidency, Barbara Bush made a shocking remark. After Hurricane Katrina destroyed several homes in 2005, many people were moved to a relief center in Houston.

Instead of saying comforting words, she commented that many displaced New Orleans residents were “underprivileged anyway, so this is working very well for them.” She then said that she only wanted to highlight the challenges of disaster response, but citizens and critics altogether consider her statement harsh and insensitive.

Many argued that her remarks minimized the trauma and hardships faced by the people who lost their livelihoods and homes. Ms. Bush, we’re sorry, but your comment has made you seem out of touch and pretty mean.

…Do you agree with us?

Melania Trump, first lady
Image by MaciejGillert from Shuterstock

3. Melania Trump

The beautiful former supermodel made a few mistakes during her husband’s tenure at the White House, but this event was the one that remained in the public’s mind for years. During a trip to visit immigrant kids at a border detention center, Melania wore a Zara jacket with a message saying, “I really don’t care, do you?”.

The media was quick to judge her, saying that she was insensitive towards the children and didn’t dress appropriately. However, Melania then made a public statement saying that she only wore the jacket to go on and off the plane, and it had nothing to do with the children. She also added that she found the message suitable for the left-wing media, which kept criticizing her. As the former supermodel said, she wished they focused more on her initiatives rather than her clothing.

…Melania Trump was one of the most controversial first ladies our country has ever had. If you want to know more about the gorgeous supermodel faux-pass, leave a comment below, because we would love to provide all the information that interests you!

4. Michelle Obama

Even though she was one of the most loved first ladies our country has ever had, Michelle Obama made a couple of mistakes as well. Her most notorious one was during the 2008 presidential campaign when she said that it was the first time in her adult life that she was proud of America. She referred to the excitement surrounding her husband’s candidacy, but the public had a different opinion.

Quickly after her statement, she was criticized for implying she’d never been proud of the United States before. Did you know about this mishap? What are your thoughts on it? We’d love to chat with you in the comments below!

But this wasn’t all. The popular first lady made another statement that people didn’t take as she intended it to. While her “Let’s Move!” campaign received a lot of support for encouraging children to eat healthy foods and move their bodies, she was also criticized for the things she endorsed. As she promoted organic and locally sourced food, critics said she was disconnected from low-income families.

The idea that she encouraged everyone to plant their own crops really stood out. While the message was well-intended, it left some people feeling like she was a bit out of touch with the realities of daily life for many families. After all, not everyone has the time, space, or money to grow their own food, right?

…We have only a few first ladies left in today’s discussion. Keep reading to find out more juicy facts!

first lady, mistake
Photo by mark reinstein from Shutterstock

5. Nancy Reagan

Even though Nancy Reagan was First Lady during the ’80s when the “greed is good” mentality, famously quoted by Ivan Boesky on Wall Street, was widespread, not everyone viewed her expensive tastes favorably.

During the early days of her husband’s presidency, the beautiful woman oversaw some crazy-expensive renovations of the White House, including spending over $200,000 on new China. Well, they might’ve looked lovely, but were they necessarily? We have no clue.

Her exquisite taste was criticized by many, saying that she was out of touch and her shopping sprees were pretty inappropriate. On the other hand, her purchases were privately funded, so she was free to get whatever she wanted, but the simple optic of such an extravagance during a recession led to significant criticism.

6. Pat Nixon

Let’s go back to the ’70s for a moment. Pat Nixon, the First Lady at the time, made some mistakes, and we want to discuss one of them. During a time when there were important advancements for women’s rights, she chose not to get involved publicly in the feminist movement or in issues like equal pay and the Equal Rights Amendment.

Even though everyone has free will and gets to decide what they want to engage in or not, people saw her as reluctant because she didn’t seem to engage with any of these topics. The public and media were quick to judge the president’s wife, saying that she seemed out of touch with the concerns of women at the time. Considering her important position in the political world, many felt Ms. Nixon could’ve used her platform more effectively to advocate for women’s rights. Do you agree with this?

There you have it; these were the biggest mistakes some of our first ladies have ever made. Whether they were unintentional or not, we can’t deny that they left a mark on our country’s story. Which one of them do you think was the worst? Let us know in the comments!

If you want to learn more about the First Lady’s role in the political world, here’s a great book for you. Until next time, check out this another post from Go Viral Story: 5 Most Hated American Fast-Food Chains

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