5 Secrets Stormy Daniels Is Hiding From The Public

trump's ex, Stormy Daniels
Photo by a katz from Shutterstock

3. She wanted to support herself

In her book, which you can purchase from Amazon if you want to read her entire story, Stormy said that her childhood wasn’t exactly a happy one. She was raised by her divorced mother; she didn’t have any money; her clothes didn’t fit her; and they lived in such poverty that she smelled.

One day, when she was a teenager, she went to a strip club in town to visit a friend, and someone liked her and asked her to perform a guest set. She accepted it and then became one of the dancers at clubs across Louisiana and Texas. After that, she entered the special film industry, and everything else is history.

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1 thought on “5 Secrets Stormy Daniels Is Hiding From The Public”

  1. Gayle Lynn Meyer

    Stormy did quite willingly had an affair with a non-political wealthy well known man who is clearly much older and not the sexiest or most gorgeous man there is. The transaction of the $130K was a final business transaction between them, and do we know how much money or what benefits, and goods she received prior to the $130K during or after the affair. She was scared yes, but only because this is her wedge to be paid by others. This is all CRAP being manipulated by the democratic party because they are afraid Trump may win the presidential race again. If they are that worried put a descent, honest and person with integrity in the race because what is in there now is far from being HONEST, DESCENT or having INTEGRITY! I want to know about Joe & Hunter Biden transactions with Ukrain & China from 1995 through this year. I want to know about Hunters employment and rent to Joe. Show me Financials, employment contracts, Ukrain & China receipts to Biden.

    C’MON you all know what is needed to be investigated but is being swept under the rug. Time to BRING AMERICA BACK. American is what should matter most, not the lining of criminal politicians…..
    ALL of them my fellow democrats and republicans also. I am changing my affiliation from democrat to INDEPENDENT. Gee I wonder why??

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