8 Weird and Questionable Flavors From America’s Biggest Food Brands

Image By valeriygoncharukphoto From Envato Elements

Have you ever seen a food flavor that made you do a double take?

Because we can name a few flavors that have arrived on the shelves of our grocery stores that look like they were fake. Anything you could ever imagine in your wildest dreams seems to have been already made. After all, we live in a time when outrage marketing appears to be the most effective way to draw attention to your brand.

Yet, with how some of the biggest brands out there keep coming up with these outrageous products, sometimes it seems like they pay some kindergartners to give them their new ideas.

There’s truth in the saying that if something’s not broken, you’re not supposed to fix it! But these big brands seem to have never heard of it, and we’ve gathered some of their wildest products that made us think we had turned into Alice and definitely went through the looking glass!

Let us know which one of them shocked you!

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