10 Things You Didn’t Know About Ivanka Trump

Ivanka Trump
Photo by Everett Collection from Shutterstock

Her best friend is/was Chelsea Clinton

The two of them have been friends for years now, as they share similar backgrounds. They both live in Manhattan, have children, and apparently have enjoyed many double-dates with their husbands, as they are both Jewish.

In an interview, she gave to “On the Record”, Ivanka described their unlikely friendship by saying: “We’re not the candidates. We’re the children of the candidates. We have kept a very strong bond, maybe a little less publicly so, but she is a good friend. We really support each other.”

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13 thoughts on “10 Things You Didn’t Know About Ivanka Trump”

  1. Alice Stephenson

    I found this article on Ivanka extremely interesting. She is just a regular mom doing everyday chores like the rest of us moms. I like that she is friends with Chelsea even though her dad ran against Hillary in the elections. She is smart, beautiful and sticks to her womans rights. God bless her abd her family.

  2. You say Trump its raciest at the beging of article except he did more for blacks that most presidents. Obama and biden gave been against blacks specially biden, look at voting records.

    1. Please!! DJ Trump did nothing for black people. You say he did then name those things he did? Of course you can’t name one specific policy except the one dealing with Senator Cory Booker. I won’t even tell you that one. Look it up . See you didn’t even know that. So stop with the BS.

      1. I’m guessing the Black people are getting smart and see who USES the Black communities just to get their votes, (puttin Blacks into office is just another scheme to garner more votes) but Trump actually has provided jobs, education and lots more to them. They surely were in a better position while Trump was in office than they are today! People forget who the biggest supporters of the KKK are/were, do some. Research on THAT history!

  3. Where do you get off accusing President Trump of these false allegations? You are either a paid hack for the mindless and Godless purveyors of treason against this nation or just a bigoted, biased and ignorant writer. Never mind about Ivanka, starting your article this way was all one needed to know.

    1. Christine Taylor

      Racist is trump’s middle name. Look it up. He’s been sued for discrimination on his rentals. Look up Central Park Five.

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