IQ Alert: Here Are 9 Smartest Celebs in the World

Photo by Denis Makarenko from

1. Madonna

It’s common knowledge that Madonna reigns supreme in the pop music world, having single-handedly reshaped the music and art scene of the 1980s and 1990s (who doesn’t remember her punk-inspired outfits, which made all the teenagers during that time crazy about her fashion style?)

Within a short period of time, she grew to be one of the industry’s most important figures, serving as an inspiration to many aspiring musicians and performers.

Madonna is a creative talent who pours herself into her performances, and you can see it in her shows, which are unbelievable! One thing we know for sure is that someone who lacks intelligence can’t be so innovative and imaginative. Thank goodness Madonna has it all since her IQ of 140 places her much above average.

…She’s not just a blonde artist, she’s a brilliant woman too!

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