IQ Alert: Here Are 9 Smartest Celebs in the World

Quentin Tarantino
Courtesy of Pinterest

3. Quentin Tarantino

Many people consider Quentin Tarantino to be one of the most talented American directors, and truth be told, I am one of those people. This man rose to fame in the early 1990s, and his career is absolutely impressive.

Of course, his work is not for everyone, as it usually presents a unique style of violent mayhem and lengthy speech sections, but some of his movies are too good not to be watched, such as “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” or “Pulp Fiction.”

Besides his incredible filming style, he is also known for his scenes, which are transformed into the most detailed and amazing things ever, all from a mundane scenario. Let’s give him what he deserves, because his out-of-the-ordinary and scary criminal flicks have made him a household name. As for his IQ, it’s 160, so I wonder why he’s so creative and real in his work.

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