Top 10 Hollywood Stars With Terrible Hygiene

megan fox
Photo by lev radin from Shutterstock

3. Megan Fox

When you see pictures of Megan Fox, you wouldn’t think that personal hygiene is ever an issue. After all, she always looks amazing, with her smooth make-up and hair, and no one has ever accused her of needing a shower or smelling bad.

Unfortunately, the actress seems to be just as awful as the rest of the Hollywood stars on this list, only in a different way. According to some sources, Fox tends to forget to flush the toilet. Even the actress herself admitted that her memory isn’t always as excellent as it should be, which means she often forgets to do things that others would rather she remember.

And yes, there have been occasions when Fox’s friends told her off for not flushing the toilet.

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1 thought on “Top 10 Hollywood Stars With Terrible Hygiene”

  1. Deodorant has NOTHING to do with Hygiene! It is absurd to blame any Human Being to have “poor hygiene” if he/she is having showers daily but is not using antiperspirants or deodorants. every mammals have its own odor no matter how clean it is. Apparently, people mismatches these odors with the bad smell of dirtiness caused by accumulation of bacteria on the human skin. “Smelling like a daisy” is nice (although Daisy is not smelling great) but is completely unnatural and an old conspiracy of Beauty Industry. Don’t tell me it is not!

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