14 Celebrities Who Publicly Support Donald Trump

celebrities who publicly support Donald Trump
Photo by Tinseltown from Shutterstock

Randy Quaid

The former employee of National Lampoon, who also voted for the former president in the 2020 election, is the brother of Dennis Quaid, a fellow Trump admirer. In 2021, the 73-year-old actor asked his X followers, “I just don’t see Americans rolling over for this election fraud,” in support of Trump’s allegations of election fraud. Do you agree?

The statement was retweeted by Trump, who expressed gratitude to Quaid for “working hard to clean up the stench of the 2020 election hoax!” The Golden Globe winner posted on social media in August to express his continued affection for the billionaire, saying, “I don’t like politics, but I consider him a genius.”

Ted Nugent

Guitarist Ted Nugent has always been a vocal defender of the Second Amendment and a conservative conspiracy theorist. His current anti-trans beliefs have stirred much debate. The rock musician has long been a Trump supporter. Nugent claimed in a 2020 interview with LondonRealTV that Trump had been “sent here by God” to “drain the toxic swamp.” He said that the swamp is filled with corrupt politicians who want to steal and make America a bad place to live.

Ted Nugent recently declared that Trump has his support for this year’s elections as well.

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