4 Shocking Things That Happen After Trump’s Indictment

Photo by a katz from shutterstock.com


Donald Trump is a popular man who has a ton of influence, and that might make the process take several months. Some officials believe that the former leader’s attorneys might dismiss the case, file acts that are related to other problems tied to the indictment, and even try to have particular evidence excluded or ask for a venue change.

Even though the evidence that was gathered against Donald Trump is not public knowledge, the prosecutors’ main witness might be Michael Cohen, the lawyer who worked with Trump and made the hush payment to Stormy Daniels.

In 2018, the lawyer pleaded guilty to the federal charges that were brought against him, including campaign finance violations that were related to that specific payment he made a few days before the election. However, it seems that Donald Trump didn’t want to admit that he was guilty because he denied any involvement with the actress.

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