Trump Had at Least 8 Mistresses – Check Them Out Here!

donald trump
Photo by Evan El-Amin from Shutterstock

Trust. Responsability. Empathy. Integrity. There are some traits that have been exemplified by some of the greatest leaders this country has had. When it comes to Donald Trump, America stands divided on which of these traits can be seen in him. Well, he does share something with the ones before him: a penchant for showing too much about his love life.

From Kennedy to Roosevelt, Cleveland to Jefferson, obscene scandals may be the only thing that parties share as a common feature. It has long been shown that Donald Trump is a ladies’ man. Some would even say that his not-so-little black book may contain more names than the Declaration of Independence.

We may never know how many women #45 has wooed, but talking about his mistresses in public wasn’t something he was always discreet about. Here’s a list of some of Donald Trump’s most famous affairs!

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8 thoughts on “Trump Had at Least 8 Mistresses – Check Them Out Here!”

  1. How about Clinton who cares how many women he had he was a good president economy good no threats from other countries, This Bozo president is awful talks about how many blacks on his team but no blacks good enough to go to school with his children o o worst president he is in another world

  2. John F. Kennedy & Bobby Kennedy cheated on their wives too and we know what happened to them.
    So not wise to break one of the ten commandments (bad karma, and you invite misery into your life along with Satan).
    If you are miserable for a good reason (i.e., domestic abuse), God will understand as he’s merciful.

  3. Holger Finley

    Does not matter, what he has done for our country is of great importance and we need him to help make America Great Again.

  4. Agree with all the other comments! Mistress’s are a phase, some last longer than others. Trump was a good president, he wanted what’s best for our country, don’t think he realized how difficult it was to drain the swamp,the fact that Biden got in , just shows presidents are selected not elected. Kennedy,Regan and Trump didn’t play by the Elite’s rules and look what happened. Wake up America!

  5. And hjow many mistresses did Clinton have? Correction: have. And who wouldn’t is they weremarried to the Hillary Beast? Then there was JFK and JBJ? In Truimp’s case, he was a private citizen, not a politician living off of the public dime.

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