How Melania Trump Feels About Husband Donald Trump

Melania Trump
Photo by Evan El-Amin from

Melania Trump and her husband had different points of view regarding the White House

After Donald Trump found out that Joe Biden won the election, he didn’t want to accept that he was defeated and stated that he won’t concede.

Given the fact that he enjoyed his role as the president of the United States of America and he also participated in the 2020 elections, we can say that his loss came as a shock to him.

He was so convinced that he was going to win that the moment when the truth was revealed, he was in denial and he wasn’t ready to leave his beloved place at the White House.

…The story doesn’t end here! You can read more about their issues by clicking on the next page!

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12 thoughts on “How Melania Trump Feels About Husband Donald Trump”

  1. They are made for each other. One to have a trophy wife, the other for the money. As for love, they have sadly never experienced it.

  2. this is funny, it is a marriage of convenience. there is no love from her. she has her child, that is automatic support. i am sure she had a contract with him prior to marriage. I hope she gets it all, because there will be a divorce soon.

  3. Of course there is little in print about the real relationship. She is the most elegant, intelligent, dedicated First Ladies we have ever had. I think she truly loves her husband & will be by his side whatever he decides to do. Unlike some of the previous…and present one…….she was a true example of how a First Lady should present herself when representing America.

    1. Trump is a genius, not a sociopath. He did more for this country than any other president. If you prefer the way the country is now, then move to Venezuela! As for their marriage, I 100% agree with Donna.

  4. Sylvian McClain

    I think that the Trump family will stay together, Mrs Trump I think is a strong as her husband. Best of luck in 2024 election

  5. Last I read she lives in a different state with her parents and her son . Donald rarely sees his son . It’s been painfully obvious his followers have never gone to library get a FREEbook and read ONE page about Donald

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