Risk and Danger: 15 Most Dangerous Cities to Live In

dangerous cities
Photo by Brian A Jackson from Shutterstock

Most Violent and Dangerous Cities in the United States

1. Detroit-Dearborn-Livonia, Michigan
2. Memphis, Tennessee
3. Lubbock, Texas
4. Anniston, Alabama
5. Bessemer, Alabama

According to studies and reports, these are the top 5 most dangerous cities to live in the United States. Number one can’t be a surprise; Detroit is known for its high crime rate and bad reputation. Several factors maintain this idea of Detroit being a dangerous city, some of which may or may not surprise you: besides its high crime rate, there is poverty and unemployment, gang activities, abandoned buildings, and a police shortage.

Belmont, the most dangerous neighborhood in Detroit, has a 664% higher rate of crime than the national average, which means that 1 in 8 residents has a chance of becoming a victim of any type of crime.

Statistics from the FBI show us that Detroit remains the most violent big city in the country. In 2020, Detroit had a rate of 2,248.4 violent crimes per 100,000 residents. This means that if we were to point fingers at the most dangerous city in the U.S., it would certainly be Detroit.

The following dangerous cities on the list are not very far from the ones listed above. Memphis is also a violent city, with a quite high number of crimes, including burglary, robbery, vehicle theft, and larceny. Yet, Memphis has a lot to offer when it comes to tourist attractions; it is a music city like no other, the food is amazing, and the architecture is mesmerizing.

Maybe it would surprise you to find out that Los Angeles is not in the top 5, despite being a city where violent crimes happen often. The City of Angels is a large and diverse city with many safe neighborhoods, and the city has improved its safety which is why it escaped the label.

Click next to see the following most dangerous cities to live in.

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