4 Shocking Things That Happen After Trump’s Indictment

Photo by Evan El-Amin from shutterstock.com

The process of Indictment

Sources say that the process is going to be just like for any other defendant, but it will look completely different than it typically does. Generally speaking, when we’re talking about the indictment, it means that the charges aren’t public until the defendant takes the first step in court.

In Donald Trump’s case, too, these charges that were approved by the grand jury are still under seal. The former leader of America has the chance to turn himself in, or he and the officials will need law enforcement.

We have no idea what’s going to happen next, but the authorities expect Donald Trump to appear in court pretty soon for his arraignment. When a defendant first comes to court, they are typically booked and fingerprinted.

Now that you know a bit more about the indictment and how the process is going, it’s time to find out what the politician did and what’s going to happen to him after this event.

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