9 Amazing American Food Museums You Can ACTUALLY Visit

Image By Tallmaple From Shutterstock

#6 Dr. Pepper Museum

Waco, Texas, brings us the oldest soda museum, and this may come as a shock to you! Dr. Pepper, not Coca-Cola, holds the distinction of being the oldest soft drink.

Since it was launched just a year before the one that is dominating the soft drink industry right now, it gets to hold the title. And for good measure! Despite the fact that Coke is a giant, Dr. Pepper has held its ground, and it’s just as loved by the masses!

Here at the Southern museum, you will be able to learn everything about the soft drink, from memorabilia and keepsake aisles to the history of the drink. What’s more, you can also take part in their many activities, including the one that teaches you how to come up with your very own version of soda!

This one-of-a-kind place is just the thing you need to fill out an eventful and fun afternoon on your next road trip!

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