6. All rooms aren’t created equally
The front desk staff may swear that every king room is the same, but they are deceiving you. Some rooms are truly superior to others, and if you ask nicely (and grease the wheels a little), you might be able to get one of them.
Here’s one of the most common falsehoods told by front desk agents: “All the rooms are practically the same sir,” Bullsh*t! A corner room, a room with a bigger flat screen, a room with… a larger bathroom with two sinks are all common.
Being nice and maybe surreptitiously slipping over a $20 note could earn you one of the better rooms, if not an upgrade.
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4 thoughts on “8 Things the Hospitality Industry Is Hiding From You”
what a crazy crazy world we live in to too twp many people not liking the general PUBLIC who sorta sorta help pay their wages….MOST HOTELS do reallllllllyyyyyyy SUCK.
I have experienced the filth of a hotel room from the linen the mattress to the coffee pot and I don’t mind telling you it was The Ahoskie Inn in Ahoskie N.C. so be aware. This is not the first time I have told this story because it was that unbelievable. We were there for a wedding under the name White.
Everything should be washed included pillows. You want CLEAN EVERYTHING. NOT SOME ONES LEFTOVERS. GERMS. MY THOUGHTS
Im off to a hopefully stress free 48 hours at greensprings resort up in Williamsburg Va I’m from the beach area and have four boys and my Aussie shepherd and hubby so that’s a lot like taking my stress with me yet I have high hopes that this not to horrible pick will be not better than wolf lodge just at least a weekend getaway yet not away