7 Types of People Everybody HATES at Walmart, Costco, and More

Photo by preecha2531 from Shutterstock

1. The one who cuts the line

Let’s start with the absolute worst. It is Saturday, and the store is full of people minding their own business, doing groceries and all. You take everything you need, and finally, it is time to go to the checkout. You are tired and can’t wait to get home.

You pull your cart and then set yourself in line. The line is long; more than seven people are waiting to pay for their stuff. Ten minutes have passed, and you are still waiting. It is getting quite boring. You hear the sound of the shopping cart wheels roiling, and here they are, that person who decides to cut the line.

According to the polls, 99% of people consider cutting in line the worst grocery store behavior. That means there is still that 1 percent that thinks this is perfectly normal and acceptable.

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