7 Types of People Everybody HATES at Walmart, Costco, and More

Photo by Krakenimages.com from Shutterstock

2. The one who forgets

You’ve been in line for a while already. There are many people in front of you who have their carts full or who have a lot of coupons. It seems that you will have to wait some more. You are not rushing anywhere, so why get bothered by this? You say it to yourself.

After some time, you see an opportunity and decide to switch lines. You think that this line will move faster. And guess what? It is actually moving faster. No more people with coupons or loaded shopping carts.

There is one more person in front of you. Finally, you will pay and head home. But wait, did you think that this would be that simple? If your answer is yes, then I am sorry to disappoint you. The lady who is in front of you stops the entire line because she wants to grab one more item. She forgot about it, and it’s something that she really needs.

Now, the entire line is stuck, and you are all waiting for the lady. You are annoyed; the clerk is annoyed; the rest of the people are annoyed; everybody is annoyed.

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