7 Types of People Everybody HATES at Walmart, Costco, and More

Photo by r.classen from Shutterstock

4. The “personal space invader”

Most of the shoppers, more specifically, 94% of them, hate it when their personal space is invaded. And really, now, who likes when someone is too close to them or when someone is staring at them?

Let’s say that you are standing in line and waiting to check out. Your cart is full, and now you will have to unload, then reload, and after that, take all the groceries to the car. That’s a lot of work. Suddenly your strain of thoughts gets interrupted by something. There is this presence you can feel behind you. You turn around and see this person, who holds only a bag of chips that’s just a little too close to you.

Sometimes you can call these people who are staying this close “shadows.” Probably they are not doing it on purpose, but there are these folks that make you feel followed around. You go to the dairy aisle, they go there too. You go to the cheese aisle, and they go there too. They make you feel weird and are always behind you.

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