These Great People Revealed 5 Mindblowing Life Hacks

life hack
Image By EQRoy From Shutterstock

Never throw away seeds again!

If you’re anything close to how we are, come spring and summer, we go crazy for the flowers and produce seeds! Not only are they more readily available to buy, but they are relatively cheap, and they encourage us to get as much variety as we can. Since we cannot know what we want to plant, we end up with too many seed packets that we have nothing to do with, and they end up going to waste: they either get moldy or they start germinating!

We found a great life hack for this issue, even if it may seem a bit silly. Get yourself an airtight container for your seed packets and add a few silica packets to them! This will keep the moisture away and make sure that your seeds are always ready to be used.

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