8 Honest Reasons Why People Hate Florida

Why do people hate Florida so much? 

Florida is a very well-liked retirement destination. With a low cost of living, no state income tax, and a sizable retiree population, it offers a wealth of senior recreational opportunities. It also boasts a good healthcare system and a large selection of active adult communities.

Nothing wrong here, right? I mean, sounds like a heavenly place to relocate to. But while seniors seem to love this place, a lot of people hate Florida pretty much. Do you know why? Maybe it’s the heat; maybe it’s the wave of tourists who come here all year round because of the friendly climate. Believe us, some of the reasons why people hate this state may have never even crossed your mind!

people hate Florida
Photo by Marc Bruxelle from Shutterstock

Heat and humidity

One of the main reasons people hate Florida so much is because of the unbearable heat. You should probably reconsider moving to Florida if your motivation is primarily based on the belief that the weather is so much better and you adore the state’s warm climate. Even the locals hate it, and since the climate has been so unstable lately, the heat waves are becoming worse every year. Due to the extreme heat, some seniors are even relocating outside of the state.

In Florida, summer never truly ends, and August has the worst temperatures and is the most intolerable month. If you envision living in a location where temperatures exceed 90 degrees Fahrenheit, you might truly enjoy Florida, and no matter how many people say they dislike it, they won’t be able to change your opinion.

Bad gun policies

Another thing that makes people hate Florida is the gun law. Every day, there are stories about someone being shot dead by a bullet that was fired into the air in celebration of something or another, or about someone being shot by a stray bullet that was fired in their backyard by someone who was practicing target practice.

Wild animals are actually…wild

Are you afraid of animals, especially the big ones? Then you might be among those who won’t resonate with Florida’s fauna. A lot of Floridians say that they had plenty of weird encounters with alligators, mostly bears too.

Florida is home to more than a million wild alligators. Although they can be found in rivers, lakes, and other small bodies of water, such as your swimming pool or retention ponds, these reptiles prefer freshwater environments like swamps and marshes. You might even spot an alligator swimming in your pool if you live close to alligator habitat. So if you want to relocate here, it’s better to talk to a couple of locals first to see which areas are safer than others.

And because alligators, big roaches, and other weird critters weren’t enough, in recent years bears have also become a problem. The reason for this is that as the population grows, developers continue to push the boundaries and create an increasing number of communities. Because of this, they wind up constructing on land that was previously used for wildlife, which is how you get hungry bears searching your trashcans for food!

Still not convinced, and you think we made up these things? Well, another reason why people hate Florida is because you might find a python in your backyard when you expect less.

Hurricanes, tornadoes, major storms, and so on

If you thought wild animals are bad, or the scorching heat then you never saw a tornado unleashed in Florida. Tornadoes in Florida claim five times as many lives as those in Kansas. And we don’t even want to mention how expensive is life insurance in the Sunshine state.

Next on the list are the hurricanes that last for a while, from June 1 to November 30 there is a 90% chance that a random hurricane will strike. And don’t believe that outside these months you’ll be safe. Nah!

In the summer, severe thunderstorms are caused by the meeting of sea breezes from the East and West Coasts in the center of the state. They are frequently accompanied by lightning and happen 100 times a year on average.

Tons of pedestrian deaths

Heavy traffic is an honest reason why people hate Florida. And according to locals, you’ll need a lot of patience if you plan to relocate and drive there. I-4 is the primary highway in Central Florida. The East Coast’s Daytona Beach is the starting point, followed by Orlando and Tampa on the West Coast. It serves as the primary route to the theme parks. There is a lot of traffic, and when an accident happens frequently, traffic can stop for hours.

Florida has a much higher rate of pedestrian fatalities than the national average. Many roads lack traffic lights and even those that do frequently have a long distance between them. As a result, people attempt to cross the street in the middle of six lanes of traffic. Ehm…definitely not a good idea!

School starts earlier in Florida

Also, in Florida, classes begin in mid-August. As everyone is aware, school shouldn’t begin until after Labor Day!

people hate Florida
Photo by Andrew Angelov from Shutterstock

Home prices have risen significantly

Do you remember that time when people expressed their desire to relocate to Florida because real estate is way more affordable than other places in the country? Well, bad news. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, home prices have increased nationwide, including in Florida. Because of the warm weather, beaches, outdoor activities, and other factors, the state has seen some extremely steep price increases.

It’s not surprising that the rising cost of housing is a problem given that about 800 people move to the state every day. Real estate prices in the Miami and Tampa Bay metropolitan areas have skyrocketed due to their popularity, which is a strong argument against moving.

But what about renting an apartment if you can’t afford to buy one? Rents are also rising rapidly in Florida, so if you’re planning to relocate, it might be better to talk to a real estate agent before that.

Red tide is real

It may surprise you to learn that we saved the most graphic material for the last paragraph of the article. What could be worse than flying cockroaches and alligators or random bear munching from your trashcan? The red tide.

Red tides are essentially a phenomenon that occurs when the Gulf of Mexico’s algae blooms become unmanageable. Large numbers of marine life may then pass away as a result. Ok, but how is this red tide affecting us? Well, all the marine life washes up on the beach and rots for days in the scorching Floridian sun. The worst part? You can smell it from miles away and it’s yuck!

The topic of why people hate Florida might have sparked some mixed feelings but let’s be honest there are also a lot more other reasons to love the Sunshine State. Whether you’re planning on having an exotic vacation or visiting some iconic landmarks there will always be something special about Florida. So, whenever you’re nostalgic about your last visit to Florida and you want to unwind after a long day, this Florida-themed coloring book is the perfect choice. Kids are going to love it too! 

I hope you understand this isn’t an article meant to convince people to actually despise Florida and never put their foot into the state. After all, it’s your choice entirely if you decide to relocate there for several personal reasons. Just be mindful of both the upsides and downsides of living in Florida.

Check out True Southerners NEVER Throw Away These 11 Things.

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3 thoughts on “8 Honest Reasons Why People Hate Florida”


  2. I have lived in Florida for 65 years. During that time — up to this last Fall — more Hurricanes hit the Northeastern Seaboard than Florida. Even with the hit here in October, it was NOT a straight-in storm but a glancing blow.
    Also, there are as many hot days in the summer north of the Mason-Dixon line as Florida. This hit-piece has no creedance at all.

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