Queen Elizabeth II: 10 Shocking Facts Everyone Should Know

the queen
Image By Lorna Roberts From Shutterstock

#2 A very surprising nickname behind closed doors

If you were a citizen of England, you wouldn’t be caught dead calling her anything else but her royal designations, as it was very easy to just call her the Queen if you mentioned the monarch. Though we are sure some others would call her by other names, we doubt anyone used something more surprising than her nickname, given by her husband: “Cabbage.”

Yes, you read that right. The leafy green vegetable served as a pet name for the royal during her long marriage to Prince Philip (it lasted for 74 years until the death of her husband). It was revealed by the British biographer Robert Lacey that this was the affectionate name her husband used behind the closed doors of Buckingham Palace. Many suppose it’s a literal translation from the French “mon petit chou,” which literally means “little cabbage” despite its usage as “my little sweeties.”

Either way, it’s a cute nickname and a testament to their love, despite him being her third cousin, originally from Corfu, Greece, whom she met at a royal wedding back in 1934.

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2 thoughts on “Queen Elizabeth II: 10 Shocking Facts Everyone Should Know”

  1. I probably know more about the Late Queen than most, as we were cousins, altho not close ones, through my maternal grandmother’s family, going back to the Battle of Culloden, when Prince Charles of that era was going to be King of England and there were those who did not want this to happen. I had another cousin, a few times removed on my Grandmother’s side who was from the Isle of Skye, where my Great-Great grandfather was born. She was called Flora MacDonald and she helped Prince Charles escape to the Isle of Skye in a boat. The rest is all part of history. I liked this article and will be making a copy of it. I also am interested in getting a copy of her biography. When I look at a recent photo of hers on a magazine, I noticed the resemblance to my Maternal Grandmother. May the Queen rest in peace!!!

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