Queen Elizabeth II: 10 Shocking Facts Everyone Should Know

the queen
Ministry of Information official photographer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

#4 She did, in fact, not have a driver’s license

If you’re of royal descent, you’re definitely going to have an array of chauffeurs at your beck and call. Queen Elizabeth, on the other hand, was known for driving around in her beloved Range Rover or Jaguar while wearing a pair of chic sunglasses and a Hermès head scarf. It was one of her pleasures.

Yet, she did not have an official license. If anything, she learned to drive when she insisted on joining the Second World War, back in 1944, when she was just 18 years old. That’s where she also became a mechanic for the Women’s Auxiliary Territorial Service, where she quickly climbed the ranks and served until the end of the war.

What’s more, not only was she not required to have a license or a license plate on her car, but she also did not need a passport in order to travel. We guess that when you are the Queen of England, you’re easily one of the most visible and easily recognized figures on the planet. It’s kind of hard for someone else to pass for you!

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2 thoughts on “Queen Elizabeth II: 10 Shocking Facts Everyone Should Know”

  1. I probably know more about the Late Queen than most, as we were cousins, altho not close ones, through my maternal grandmother’s family, going back to the Battle of Culloden, when Prince Charles of that era was going to be King of England and there were those who did not want this to happen. I had another cousin, a few times removed on my Grandmother’s side who was from the Isle of Skye, where my Great-Great grandfather was born. She was called Flora MacDonald and she helped Prince Charles escape to the Isle of Skye in a boat. The rest is all part of history. I liked this article and will be making a copy of it. I also am interested in getting a copy of her biography. When I look at a recent photo of hers on a magazine, I noticed the resemblance to my Maternal Grandmother. May the Queen rest in peace!!!

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