10 Baby Boomer Phrases. How Many Do You Know?

baby boomer phrases
Photo by Pavel Kubarkov from Shutterstock

5. Meanwhile, back at the ranch

If you take a look at it, this is one of the baby boomer phrases that seems very odd. What ranch are we talking about? What could be the meaning of this? Again, what’s the deal with the ranch?

During that time, people used to watch a lot of Westerns. They were extremely popular. And as you can expect, this had a toll on how people used to talk to one another. The phrase “Meanwhile, back at the ranch” was used when someone wanted to change the subject of a conversation.

In the same way, the setting would shift from one to another in the movies, people wanted to express that they would like to change where the conversion was going. And they were simply saying, “Meanwhile, back at the ranch.”

6. A gas

If someone says, “They had a great time,” it means that they had a really fun time. They were in great company, and they had an entertaining and amusing time.

In the same way, when someone says “It’s gas,” let’s say at a party, that means that the party was incredibly cool.

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