10 Baby Boomer Phrases. How Many Do You Know?

baby boomer phrases
Photo by CameraCraft from Shutterstock

9. Skinny

This has nothing to do with the eight of someone, and it actually has an interesting origin. It used to be the U.S. Marine Corps and Navy term for information. And it is a very old term that dates back to before WWII.

The name comes from the paper that resembles onion skin that the military used to copy orders on. It had a similar appearance and feel to onion skin and was practically transparent.

Later on, baby boomers began to use the term as a synonym for gossip. It was an informal way of referring to information about someone that was deemed true but not known by many.

You can use it in sentences like: “And did you get the skinny from Mike? What is happening between him and Betty?”

10. To have it made in the shade

If you think about what it could mean nowadays, being in the shade can mean that you are trying to hide from the sun, but a few decades ago it had a totally different meaning.

Let’s think about that neighbor that everybody envies. He has a nice car, a great, perfect family, a loyal dog, and, even more, he also has a pool. How is it possible in this world that some people have such an amazing life?

In the past, “to have it made in the shade” meant that things were going great for you and you had no worries in the world, exactly as the neighbor earlier mentioned. We can say that everybody wants “to have it made in the shade,” right?

If you feel like your life is overwhelming and you don’t know what to do, try reading the Baby Boomer Survival Guide, Second Edition: Live, Prosper, and Thrive in Your Retirement. It is an amazing book, and it can help you learn more about retirement.

You should also read: 24 Funeral Jokes Guaranteed to Make You Laugh

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