8 Car Fails Way Too Ridiculous to Be True

car fails

1. Free car wash

The first entry on our list of ridiculous car fails will definitely make you laugh. This woman must have had one adventurous ride! She is one brave soul, plunging her vehicle off a bridge into a body of water.

Looking at the picture from above, we could agree that it’s like a scene straight out of an action movie, yet it’s in real life! While it’s funny, nobody would want to be in the woman’s place, as she had to see her car sinking fast in the water while sitting ON the vehicle’s hood.

From the looks of it, she was lucky that her car had a sunroof to escape through before the vehicle completely submerged. Now all she needs is a hero in a boat to rescue her, or she will have to put her swimming skills to the test.

Anyway, this is one exciting story that she will always remember, and we could not include it on our list of ridiculous car fails.

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