Pentagon In Hot Water? See The Damaging Connection To China Here

us army pentagon
Photo by jejim from Shutterstock

What they revealed

The leaks showed how closely the U.S. monitors the way its allies and friends interact with both Russia and China. Officials in various countries denied these allegations that surfaced from the leaked documents.

The Associated Press reported on U.S. intelligence trying to pick up all kinds of claims that Russian operatives were actively building a closer relationship with the United Arab Emirates, the oil-rich Middle Eastern nation that hosted an important American military installation.

The UAE denied these allegations. Also, the Washington Post claimed that Egypt’s president ordered his subordinates to prepare the shipping of no less than 40,000 rockets to Russia so that Egypt would have a backup in its war against Ukraine. A spokesman for the Egyptian foreign ministry declared that Egypt is not involved in any way in this crisis.

Other leaks tackled the allegations that South Korean leaders were rather hesitant to ship artillery shells to Ukraine but also that Israel’s Mossad spy service fully opposed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s proposed overhaul of the judiciary.

Even if the U.S. intelligence agencies are funded with no less than $90 billion a year and have all the necessary means to tap electronic communications, run spies, and even monitor with satellites, the results are almost never revealed to the public.

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