4 New York Times Best-Sellers That Might Change Your Life

Image By Ilya Oreshkov From Shutterstock

The Hunger Games (cont.)

Exploring what a dystopian North America could look like, which is called Panem in the novels and divided into 12 districts and the Capitol, the book follows our protagonist Katniss as she ends up taking part in a cruel game held by the Capitol instead of her sister, where children between the age of 12 and 18 battle to the death. Making use of her skill and intelligence, we follow her story as a participant in the “game” and how she ends up sparking a revolution.

The fact that the book has been banned in certain states and attempted to be banned in many more due to how controversial the idea of rising against power figures is, alongside other less believable reasons, tips us all as to how inspiring the narration is when it comes to rising against injustice. Not to mention, it gives a sobering account of how bad it can be for one person to hold all the power.

The movie adaptation of this best-seller trilogy came out between 2012 and 2015, with the third book being split between two movies. The adaptation is good, but if you are curious about this best-seller, it is good to read the book firsts as it will provide more context than the movies can.

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