7 Times Celebrity Moms Took On A Movie Role Just To Impress Their Kids

Image By The Image Worx From Shutterstock

#7 Kate Winslet

Kate Winslet’s story is a bit less sensational, but it still warms our hearts, and it also speaks to all the mothers out there. We all remember her for her role as Jeanine Matthews in the Divergent trilogy, where she played the erudite leader and one of the lead roles. However, the reason why she picked it up is quite fun.

She revealed in an interview that she did it because she wanted her kids to think she was “cool.” Back then they were 13 and 10, so her train of thought was that, besides the appealing story, book series, and script, it would also be a nice touch to be in a project targeted at kids around their age. After all, what could be more amazing than to have kids talk at school about how their classmate’s mom is in a huge movie?

And this is exactly what happened! Winslet said her daughter got even closer to her due to her picking up this role!

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