8 Famous People Who Disappeared Without a Trace

jean spangler
Photo courtesy of Pinterest

3. Jean Spangler

Spangles disappeared in October 1949. Like some of the others on this list, her fame grew enormously following her disappearance. Prior to that, Spangler had appeared in some films, but she hadn’t yet made it big.

One night, she told her sister-in-law she was going to see her ex-husband before heading to a late-night film shoot. She never made it back home. Two days later, police officers found Spangler’s purse in a park. Not only were the straps ripped, but inside the purse was a note addressed to “Kirk”.

The note read: “Can’t wait any longer, so I’m going to see Dr. Scott. It will work best while mother is away.”

A friend of hers would later say that she was trying to have an illegal abortion. As for the mysterious Kirk, he was never identified.

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3 thoughts on “8 Famous People Who Disappeared Without a Trace”

  1. A fictional film showed Hoffa’s dead body put in a woodchipper. This makes sense. I don’t think there is any question that the C.I.A. was involved with his death. The movie JFK showed that from all the science, their was a 2nd gunman. What about the controversial deaths adjacent to the Clinton family?

  2. Creetta Williams

    Strange just about Everyone of theses missing persons,water was involved. Jumping off boat , thrown off boat, jumping off bridge??? Sad , Praying for answers for the Family

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