8 Famous People Who Disappeared Without a Trace

scott smith
Photo courtesy of Pinterest

5. Scott Smith

Canadian bassist Scott Smith was known for being a member of the rock band Lover Boy when he disappeared.

In November 2000, the band had just given a benefit concert for Juvenile Diabetes Research in Vancouver, Canada, when Smith decided to sail from British Columbia to Mexico on his boat along with his girlfriend and a friend named Bill Ellis.

Ellis later told the police officers that a violent storm came up while at sea, and a 25-foot wave tipped the boat on its side. Smith ended up being thrown into the water; his girlfriend and Ellis searched for him but were unsuccessful. He disappeared without a trace. After several hours of searching, teams were forced to stop due to the weather conditions.

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3 thoughts on “8 Famous People Who Disappeared Without a Trace”

  1. A fictional film showed Hoffa’s dead body put in a woodchipper. This makes sense. I don’t think there is any question that the C.I.A. was involved with his death. The movie JFK showed that from all the science, their was a 2nd gunman. What about the controversial deaths adjacent to the Clinton family?

  2. Creetta Williams

    Strange just about Everyone of theses missing persons,water was involved. Jumping off boat , thrown off boat, jumping off bridge??? Sad , Praying for answers for the Family

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