8 Famous People Who Disappeared Without a Trace

people who disappeared
Photo courtesy of Pinterest

4. Bison Dele

Bison Dele, originally known as Brian Williams, was a basketball player who played for the NBA’s Chicago Bulls and Detroit Pistons, among other teams, in the 1990s. At the start of the 1999 season, Dele shocked everyone when he decided to walk away from his $36 million contract and the sport. Shortly after this, Dele disappeared, leaving no trace.

On July 6, 2002, he took his boat out on a voyage in the South Pacific. He wasn’t alone, as his girlfriend, as well as a skipper, accompanied him. Two weeks later, the boat arrived in Tahiti with just one passenger — Miles Dabord, Dele’s brother. Soon, the local authorities realized that those who had initially been on the boat had disappeared.

The FBI tried to track down Dabord to discover what happened to other passengers, but he overdosed on insulin and died soon after. Before this, Dabord did call their mother to let her know that he never hurt his brother.

One theory claims that Dabord killed all three passengers and then dumped their bodies in the Pacific Ocean, but it will probably never be proven.

Keep reading to find out which child actor disappeared without a trace!

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3 thoughts on “8 Famous People Who Disappeared Without a Trace”

  1. A fictional film showed Hoffa’s dead body put in a woodchipper. This makes sense. I don’t think there is any question that the C.I.A. was involved with his death. The movie JFK showed that from all the science, their was a 2nd gunman. What about the controversial deaths adjacent to the Clinton family?

  2. Creetta Williams

    Strange just about Everyone of theses missing persons,water was involved. Jumping off boat , thrown off boat, jumping off bridge??? Sad , Praying for answers for the Family

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