24 Funeral Jokes Guaranteed to Make You Laugh

Photo by fizkes from Shutterstock

Joke No. 5

Steve travels to Israel with his wife and stepmother for a lovely vacation. His stepmother passed away at the hotel where they had checked in. “Sir, if you want to bury her in the US, it will cost you $6,000 to bring back her corpse,” the folks there told him. But then they added, “Since she died in the hotel, we can do the funeral here in Israel for free.”

Steve declined right away, mentioning he would pay the $6,000 price to have the funeral done in the US. When Steve and his wife came back home, she went to him and said, “I appreciate what you did for my mom. That shows me that you truly respected and loved her.”

Steve, without skipping a beat, said, “Are you crazy? Those Israelis are the same people who buried Jesus. Three days later, he came back to life. I definitely wasn’t about to take that risk with your mother.”

Funeral joke No. 6

A teenage boy at a funeral kindly asked the priest for the Wi-Fi password.

“Have a bit of respect for the dead!” he said.

The teenager replied, “Is that all lower case?”

Kids these days…

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