What Melania Trump Did to Barron Leaves Us in Tears

Melania Trump
Photo by Frederic Legrand – COMEO from shutterstock.com

According to sources, her net worth is roughly $50 million

Melania Trump is also involved in several charities other than her business, including the Be Best program, which she established in 2018. It seeks to promote emotional and physical well-being among youths.

“Social media can both negatively and positively affect our children. But too often, it’s used in negative ways,” she stated when she launched Be Best. “When children learn positive online behaviors early, social media can be used in productive ways.”

She continues, saying: “I believe that children should be both seen and heard, and it’s our responsibility as adults to remind and educate them that when they’re using their voices, whether online or verbally, they must choose their words wisely and speak with respect and compassion.”

Other incredible causes she supports are The American Red Cross, Love Our Children USA, the Martha Graham Dance Company, and the Police Athletic League.

Those close to the Trump family have proclaimed that Melania wasn’t happy with her husband’s plan to run for President in 2024. She didn’t want to return to the White House and believed that political work for the Republican Party wasn’t her job but her husband’s.

“Being First Lady again isn’t what she wants,” a source revealed to CNN. “For her, it was a chapter… and it’s over, and that’s that.”

But, as we all know, Trump won the elections and will serve as the President of the United States for another four years, and Melania supports him.

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1 thought on “What Melania Trump Did to Barron Leaves Us in Tears”

  1. Melania did a good job raising her son, he looks well behave and i am sure he is very respecful to his parents and siblings. First Lady Melania did a good Job decorating the WH in white Christmas Trees in 2017 Holiday season. we loved how she did it. everything is very elegant, and beautifully done.

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